Wailuku Elementary School began its partnership with Book Trust in 2007. Lindsay Alexander was a classroom teacher at the time and remembers her excitement for the opportunity to support students in choosing books to build their personal libraries. “I LOVE that every student in our school has a collection of books to call their own!” she says. 

Years later, Lindsay remains a champion of the Book Trust program at Wailuku Elementary. She supports classroom teachers and especially long-term subs and classes that do not have a permanent lead teacher.  

Recently, things have been busy. “I have been helping with a kindergarten class whose teacher was on leave for a family emergency for a couple of months and a preschool class whose lead teacher has been on leave since the beginning of the school year,” explains Lindsay.  

At a large school with multiple buildings, Lindsay plays an important role in backing up teachers as they facilitate the Book Trust program in classrooms and ensuring students choose books that interest them to own forever. “Lindsay is always there, ready to help, and goes the extra mile so no one is left out,” says Catherine Heatley, Director of Programs for Book Trust. “Lindsay told us how thankful she is for our program, but the truth is, we are even more thankful for her and her colleagues. They make Book Trust possible!”