Book Trust was founded in 2001 and with incredible community support, expanded programming to Hawaii during the organization’s infancy.

“What started with five school partnerships in the 2004-2005 school year has grown to more than a dozen partnerships supporting thousands of students each year,” said Patience Peabody, President and CEO of Book Trust. “Through our partnerships with schools across the islands, we see firsthand the continued value placed on early literacy, and that includes countless educators and administrators who are truly the backbone of the Book Trust program.”

In the past 20 years, Book Trust’s work in Hawaii has supported more than 80,000 keiki in choosing and owning an estimated 800,000 books! Rich partnerships with 26 schools over the past two decades made Book Trust’s work possible. 

“We are beyond grateful and our commitment here is steadfast,” said Patience.

Join Book Trust in celebrating it’s 20th anniversary in Hawaii on February 22, 2025! Not able to attend? Please support our work across the Hawaiian Islands with a donation.