Together with Scholastic and the Scripps Howard Fund, we’re celebrating the release of Dav Pilkey’s new book, Dog Man: Big Jim Begins 

Book Trust students in grades 2-5, along with students in Scripps Howard Fund programming, were exclusively selected to receive a free copy of the book. Let’s celebrate together, hero style!  

All Book Trust students can participate in the February Book Trust Read Together Hero Moment using February book orders. 

Inspired by one of the themes in the Dog Man series about ordinary people doing extraordinarily good deeds, you can spotlight everyday heroes in your community. Heroism can appear in many ways, including giving someone else the gift of your time to read together.

We’re inviting all Book Trust schools across the country to participate in a Read Together Hero Moment between February 17-28! 

Classrooms can: 

  • Invite guest readers! These could be everyday heroes at your school or in your local community, including crossing guards, parents/caregivers, librarians, medical professionals, etc. 
  • Students read together within or across grades. Students can read the new Dog Man book, one of their February Book Trust books, or a title in the classroom library. It’s their choice! 
  • Engage with one of our hero activities below! 
  • Print “how to draw” and other activity sheets
  • Start a classroom discussion using these questions and prompts:
    • Who are heroes in your life?
    • How do those heroes make a difference in your life?
    • What are the hero qualities you have? (e.g., super kindness, super strength, etc.)
    • How can you share more Read Together Hero Moments after today’s celebration?
  • Print and decorate hero masks
    • Create a mask template and have students trace and cut them out. Use string to tie masks in place. 
    • Use construction paper, cardboard, butcher paper, scrap paper, newspaper, string, hole punchers, felt, stickers, fabric, paint, and markers to create and decorate masks 
    • Check Teachers Pay Teachers for additional free and low-cost resources
  • Make hero capes, the perfect accessory for your Hero Party
    • Make a cape from a paper bag (ideas here)
    • Make a cape from a t-shirt (no-sew ideas here)
    • Check Teachers Pay Teachers for additional free and low-cost resources
  • Make paper bag superheroes
    • Decorate lunch-size paper bags to transform them into superheroes
    • Use construction paper or other materials to design a superhero suit and mask on the front of the bag. Adhere a construction paper or fabric cape to the back.
  • Use the Hero Party event kit to plan more fun

Let’s show the world that heroism can be as simple as reading together! 
Register your school’s Read Together Hero Moment and Book Trust will amplify your celebration. 
Tag @BookTrustUSA in content shared on social media.   


How do I get Dog Man: Big Jim Begins for my students?

Scholastic will ship the books to your school’s Book Trust Manager. Coordinate distribution of the books to students in grades 2-5 enrolled in the Book Trust program at your school. 

When do the Dog Man books arrive at schools?

We expect books to ship in mid-February.

Who will receive a copy of Dog Man: Big Jim Begins?

All Book Trust students in grades 2-5. Please note some exceptions apply for some schools. These unique situations will be clarified directly with Book Trust Managers. 

Does this book giveaway take the place of February orders for my students?

No. This complimentary book is in addition to February orders.

When is the Read Together Hero Moment?

Your school can plan a school-wide or classroom-specific Hero Moment along with February Book Celebrations any time between February 17-28.

Is there a cost to participate?

There’s no cost to participate! The Dog Man: Big Jim Begins books are fully funded by Dav Pilkey, author of the Dog Man series.  

Why should I place my February book order by February 14?

Though the new Dog Man book donations apply to students in specific grades, we want all students at all levels to join us in a nationwide Read Together Hero Moment! We aim to ensure all students have new books for February Book Celebrations and Hero Moments, regardless of the titles, by encouraging book orders early in the month.

What do we do with extra copies of the book?

To ensure every Book Trust student in grades 2-5 receives the Dog Man book, your school might receive extra copies in the shipment. These extra books are for your school to keep and use!

Here are some ideas for how to use them:

  • Provide a classroom copy to the Book Trust grades who won’t receive books
  • Share with grades not enrolled in Book Trust
  • Add the books to your school’s library
  • Pay the donation forward to area schools, libraries, or organizations
Why is Book Trust celebrating the release of Dog Man: Big Jim Begins?

Book Trust is the largest and longest-standing sponsored Scholastic Book Club partner. As a Scholastic collaborator, Book Trust was selected along with the Scripps Howard Fund to receive free copies of the newest Dog Man book. We are delighted to bring this opportunity to Book Trust schools  

How will photos/videos of my school’s Read Together Hero Moment be used?

Book Trust will create a public photo/video album of Read Together Hero Moments from across the country. We will also share photos and videos on our website, in media materials, and via social media.

Is my school required to facilitate a Read Together Hero Moment?

Facilitating a Read Together Hero Moment is optional, though we encourage all schools to join in the fun!